God the Homemaker and Recycler: A Biblical Case for a Green God

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

This lecture wades into the hot-button environmental issue dominating our media and our politics in recent months. But we don't examine it because of its hype or its popularity; we believe the issue has legs for much deeper reasons than the "new apocalypse" or "Suzuki morality".

We kick off the conversation with a theology lesson. We believe that the Christian tradition can deliver a credible organizing principle for environmental policy, starting with hopeful ideas in a broken and complex situation.

Audio Length: 00:51:56

think #11 wades into the hot-button environmental issue dominating our media and our politics in recent months. But we don't examine it because of its hype or its popularity; we believe the issue has legs for much deeper reasons than the "new apocalypse" or "Suzuki morality".

We kick off the conversation with a theology lesson. We believe that the Christian tradition can deliver a credible organizing principle for environmental policy, starting with hopeful ideas in a broken and complex situation.

Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger is the Professor of Religion at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. This CD reproduces a lecture he delivered at the two-day Christianity and the Environment conference staged by the MacLaurin Institute, at the University of Minneapolis. We thank both Steven and the MacLaurin Institute for their partnership with think.

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