God, International Affairs, and the Global Economy

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

"Imagine you've been called into the office of a major Bay Street international investor, or the C.E.O. of a multinational company. He hands a hefty Risk Analysis document to you, but explains: 'I think our team has missed something in our analysis of this investment. I fear that here, religion and the economy really do mix. Can you help?'"

Audio Length: 00:53:09

"Imagine you've been called into the office of a major Bay Street international investor, or the C.E.O. of a multinational company. He hands a hefty Risk Analysis document to you, but explains: 'I think our team has missed something in our analysis of this investment. I fear that here, religion and the economy really do mix. Can you help?'"

Paul Marshall is an internationally renowned lecturer, author and editor on religion and politics. He is the author of Their Blood Cries Out (1997), Heaven is Not My Home (1998) and, most recently, Radical Islam's Rules: The Worldwide Spread of Extreme Sharia Law (2005).

This think presentation was recorded live in Ottawa, Ontario, in October 2007.