Everything Has Changed: The Challenge of Being Perennial People

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

What will you do with what you know?

Audio Length: 00:15:03

What will you do with what you know?

From the Comment piece by the same name, published March 2010.

Steven Garber has a classroom among many people in many places. As the director of The Washington Institute, the heart of his own calling is the longing that people understand the integral character of faith, vocation, and culture. Author of The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief and Behavior (Second Ed., 2007), he writes frequently for various journals, and in addition was a contributor to the volumes Faith Goes to Work: Reflections From the Marketplace and Get Up Off Your Knees: Preaching the U2 Catalogue, as well as to the Mars Hill Audio journal, Tacit Knowing, Truthful Knowing: The Life and Work of Michael Polanyi.

For many years he taught on Capitol Hill in the American Studies Program, later serving as the scholar-in-residence for the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.

He is particularly interested in the relationship of popular culture to political culture, and as expressions of that serves as a board member for Ransom Fellowship and the Blood:Water Mission, and as a consultant for the Wedgwood Circle. A native of the great valleys of Colorado and California, he is married to Meg and is the father of five children whose own callings have them scattered around the world.

Topics: Vocation