Enrique Medizabal: Developing Think Tanks

From the Archived "Cardus Audio" Series

Enrique Mendizabal considers think tanks around the world: "... a very important factor to pay attention to is the level of institutional development of all relevant political actors: political parties, the civil service, academia, the corporate sector, the media, civil society, etc. Think tanks are part of that world. If these other institutions are weak, then so are think tanks."

Audio Length: 00:25:41

Enrique Mendizabal considers think tanks around the world: "... a very important factor to pay attention to is the level of institutional development of all relevant political actors: political parties, the civil service, academia, the corporate sector, the media, civil society, etc. Think tanks are part of that world. If these other institutions are weak, then so are think tanks."

Mendizabal is the founder of On Think Tanks, an initiative dedicated to the study and support of think tanks in developing countries. It hosts a number of projects such as a data visualizations competition for think tanks, a global exchange of researchers, and a national think tank award (starting in Peru), among others.