Cardus Post-Election Briefing: Conference Call

From the Archived "Cardus Policy in Public" Series

Cardus president Michael Van Pelt moderated a panel discussion this morning at the Crossroads studios in Burlington. Featuring Ray Pennings (Cardus Director of Research and Senior Fellow) and Peter Stockland (journalist, executive, and director of the Cardus Centre for Cultural Renewal), we dissected the implications of yesterday's landmark election.

For the past five weeks we Canadians have been following the jabs of our major political parties as they try to convince us who should form our government and opposition. But, the question we had at the start is still ringing in our ears the day after: what did this election mean?

Cardus president Michael Van Pelt moderated a panel discussion this morning at the Crossroads studios in Burlington. Featuring Ray Pennings (Cardus Director of Research and Senior Fellow) and Peter Stockland (journalist, executive, and director of the Cardus Centre for Cultural Renewal), we dissected the implications of yesterday's landmark election.

Does the vote in Quebec mean sovereignty is dead, or will take on new forms? How will social conservatives and libertarians get along within the Conservative caucus? Does the Liberal decline mean new forms of cooperation on the left or will the party of Laurier survive another century? And what does this all mean for the future of Canadian politics and the renewal of our social architecture?

Listen to this morning's audio now at Cardus Audio (01:35:00).

Michael Van Pelt (centre) and Peter Stockland, breaking down the Canadian election with Ray Pennings at the CTS sound studios, May 3 2011
Cardus Briefing