
Cardus Health aims to foster a social system that supports the desire for a natural death, equips social institutions to support patients and caregivers, and develops a continuum of care for those approaching end of life.

Program Director

Rebecca Vachon

Research & Policy

We’ve Got Better Options
We’ve Got Better Options

An Open Letter to Premier Ford

Broad Support for MAiD in Canada Has Caveats and Concerns
Broad Support for MAiD in Canada Has Caveats and Concerns

The story of Canadian attitudes toward medical assistance in dying (MAiD), or doctor-assisted suicide, is a complex one. It is clear that general support for MAiD has increased since it has become legal, but for most Canadians, many caveats accompany their support. This public opinion survey by the Angus Reid Group, commissioned by Cardus, outlines the many caveats and concerns Canadians express about the breadth and speed of the expansion of MAiD.

Response to NDP Plan for Long-Term Care
Response to NDP Plan for Long-Term Care

There is broad consensus that action is desperately needed in the long-term care system. 

Loneliness and Social Isolation
Loneliness and Social Isolation

This backgrounder is intended to provide context for Cardus’s focus on loneliness and social isolation. Cardus research is intended not only to raise awareness and provide insight into a particular area of public life, but also to stimulate action and behavioural changes that have a positive impact on social flourishing.

People Over Paperwork
People Over Paperwork

Workers in Ontario’s long-term care homes provide care and support for thousands of seniors every day—but there are not nearly enough of them. 

The demand for long-term care beds is rising, yet care workers' wages have fallen. Increased regulation, meanwhile, is forcing these workers to spend more time filling out paperwork, taking time away from hands-on care for residents. 

This report examines the labour market challenges facing Ontario's long-term care workers and urges government to join long-term care employers and labour in implementing solutions.

Case Study: Ottawa
Case Study: Ottawa

This paper is one of two providing an on-the-ground look at the end-of-life care landscape in two of Ontario's largest cities. To read more about encouraging signs of progress and frustrating roadblocks to improvement, read both this case study and the study in Hamilton.

Case Study: Hamilton
Case Study: Hamilton

This paper is one of two providing an on-the-ground look at the end-of-life care landscape in two of Ontario's largest cities. To read more about encouraging signs of progress and frustrating roadblocks to improvement, read both this case study and the study in Ottawa.

End-of-Life Care: Toward a New Beginning in Ontario
End-of-Life Care: Toward a New Beginning in Ontario

While national statistics have their place, they can be frustrating since they often gloss over regional particularities. Cardus has developed two case studies (in Hamilton and Ottawa) to attempt to better survey the landscape of end-of-life care in Canada from "ground zero."

City Soul Explorer Toolkit
City Soul Explorer Toolkit

The City Soul Explorer Toolkit offers four modules and practical tools to facilitate communication and closer collaboration between city planning and faith-based organizations. The Toolkit outlines a way in which the often distinct worlds of city planners and administrators and community-serving religious organizations can be bridged and brought closer together to build the social capacity of cities, towns, and neighbourhoods.

Supporting Natural Caregivers
Supporting Natural Caregivers

As Canada is experiencing a demographic shift towards an aging society, the growing demand on natural caregivers will require the mobilization of community support systems. This paper acknowledges the current federal and provincial caregiver policies, then explores innovative international initiatives that build on community connectivity to support natural caregivers and those they care for. The initiatives are consistent with a public health approach and move towards the creation of a culture of care.

A Statistical Overview of Palliative Care in Canada
A Statistical Overview of Palliative Care in Canada

This brief provides a national snapshot, identifying the gaps in data collection. It then provides short provincial summaries, noting specific provincial budgetary commitments to palliative care and a short review of demographic projections for each province.

Cardus-Pallium Canada Palliative Care Roundtable Agenda
Cardus-Pallium Canada Palliative Care Roundtable Agenda

This document is a revised version of the Agenda used for the Cardus—Pallium Canada Roundtable held on April 27, 2016, in Ottawa, Canada. It is provided only to provide context for the roundtable summary document.

Cardus-Pallium Canada Palliative Care Roundtable Summary
Cardus-Pallium Canada Palliative Care Roundtable Summary

On April 27, Cardus, in partnership with Pallium Canada, convened an expert multi- disciplinary roundtable focused on the delivery of palliative care in Canada.

Steps Towards More Compassionate End-of-Life Care
Steps Towards More Compassionate End-of-Life Care

Cardus reframes the existing work on palliative, hospice, and end-of-life care through the lenses of natural death, social architecture, and the continuum of care. This unique approach not only considers the system by which health care is provided but also places the patients and caregivers at the centre of the discussion, attuning policy to their needs.

This 2016 Pre-Budget Submission to the Ontario Government focuses on two recommendations: building greater capacity for self-directed home care, and developing interoperable electronic health records.

Death is Natural: Reframing the End-of-Life Conversation in Canada
Death is Natural: Reframing the End-of-Life Conversation in Canada

This inaugural Cardus Health report builds on the 2011 parliamentary report "Not to be Forgotten: Care of Vulnerable Canadians." Many recommendations have been published by many organizations since 2011, and this report evaluates these proposals while looking through three lenses. 

Public Opinion Poll: End-of-Life Care in Canada (Nanos Research)
Public Opinion Poll: End-of-Life Care in Canada (Nanos Research)

In this poll commissioned by Cardus, Nanos conducted an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) hybrid telephone and online random survey of 1,000 Canadians between February 22nd and 27th, 2015 as part of an omnibus survey. Questions were themed on Canadians' level of preparedness for making end-of-life health care decisions; confidence in Canada's health care system; and how and by whom end-of-life care questions are addressed. Download the results here.

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